deep snake
Deep Snake (dietzribi)
it's snake but it's deep
deep snake
it's snake but it's deep
> "A horror experience embedded within a Nokia 3310." - Author's description [https://luis-s.itch.io/snake3310] Play on itch.io [https://luis-s.itch.io/snake3310] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "qomp is a small game about freedom." - Author's description [http://stuffedwomb.at/qomp/] Purchase on itch.io [https://stuffedwombat.itch.io/qomp] (Windows, Linux) Purchase on Steam [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1066900/qomp/] (Windows) Full playthrough on YouTube [https://youtu.be/FoeDX76pwEE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "A very simple puzzle game where you are a snake (…lops) that only has the power of what it eats." - Author's description [https://ejbarreto.itch.io/snaklops] Play on itch.io [https://ejbarreto.itch.io/snaklops] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Snek is an atmospheric puzzle game where you control an ancient basilisk in a deep dungeon." - Author's description [https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/47/snek-1] Play / download on itch.io [https://nyunesu.itch.io/snek] (Browser, Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "SNAKE WITH MORE SNAKES" - Author's description [https://sheepolution.itch.io/snake-snake-snake] Download on itch.io [https://sheepolution.itch.io/snake-snake-snake] (Windows, Mac, Linux) Gameplay video on YouTube [https://youtu.be/6ho6UBr8lHI] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
johannes kutsch
> "How many follovers can you attract and how long can you keep them alive? " - Author's description [https://ruhken.itch.io/follovers] Play / download on itch.io [https://ruhken.itch.io/follovers] (Browser, Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Life is meaningless! Maybe you need some kind of ism to attempt to ward off the inevitable and unavoidable despair! Here, have some isms made of snakes! Life is still meaningless but now you have a bunch of snakes as well! Thank me later!" - Author'
worm nom nom
> "flowers bring much joy to the world" - Author's description [https://tictactoad.itch.io/worm-nom-nom] Play on itch.io [https://tictactoad.itch.io/worm-nom-nom] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Gobble up mice and devour fish to grow loooonger and earn points" - Author's description [http://sparklinlabs.itch.io/snacats] Play on itch.io [http://sparklinlabs.itch.io/snacats] (Browser) Purchase for $2 on itch.io [http://sparklinlabs.itch.io/snacats] (Windows, Mac, Linux) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Snong is the lovechild of Snake and Pong." - Author's description [http://kottis.itch.io/snong] Play on itch.io [http://kottis.itch.io/snong] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "A combination of Snake and Sokoban." - Author's description [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/puzzlescript/UTlrhn1nObA] Play here [http://www.puzzlescript.net/play.html?p=e5561ef165d87310166e] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------