who's lila?
Who's Lila? (Garage Heathen)
Who's Lila is a point-and-click adventure where, instead of choosing dialogue options, you control the character's face manually.
who's lila?
Who's Lila is a point-and-click adventure where, instead of choosing dialogue options, you control the character's face manually.
> "Walking simulator in a city where the world is seen through a realtime neural network, which is fed simple colored blocks that are translated to textures and forms." - Author's description [http://tmdev.itch.io/aieyes] Download on itch.io [http://tmdev.itch.io/aieyes]
> "Uses evolutionary neural networks to simulate AI path finding of Froggy-style game mechanic. Every generation, it chooses the "fittest" critters and asexually reproduces them." - Author's description [https://eddietree.itch.io/neural-critters] Download on itch.io [https://eddietree.itch.io/neural-critters] (Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------