Konstantinos Dimopoulos

A collection of 3 posts
Konstantinos Dimopoulos

Earthling Priorities (Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Daniele Giardini, Jim Spanos, Chris Christodoulou)

> "Earthling Priorities is a subtle mini-adventure game, partly homaging those good ol' times when Space Quest happened and Big Brother was still considered a bad thing." - Author's description [http://earthlingpriorities.demigiant.com/] Download here [http://earthlingpriorities.demigiant.com/] (Windows) Download on itch.io [https://gnome.itch.io/earthling-priorities] (Windows)
1 min read
Konstantinos Dimopoulos

Workers In Progress: Special Edition - Progress Harder (Konstantinos Dimopoulos)

> "The choice-based text adventure that lets you play as the collective consciousness of the Greek working class." - Author's description [http://www.gnomeslair.com/p/workers-in-progress-special-edition.html] Note: This game was made by our very own Konstantinos [http://warpdoor.com/author/konstantinos-dimopoulos/]. Play here [http://philome.la/gnomeslair/workers-in-progress-special-edition---progress-ha/play]