The Third Wish (George Broussard)
"The Third Wish is a sci-fi point & click adventure about a family and fate and consequence. Full voice acting, items & puzzles." - Author's description Download on itch.io (Windows, Mac, Linux)
"The Third Wish is a sci-fi point & click adventure about a family and fate and consequence. Full voice acting, items & puzzles." - Author's description Download on itch.io (Windows, Mac, Linux)
George Broussard
> "A primitive man seeks flame in an unforgiving world." - Author's description [https://georgebroussard.itch.io/the-seeker] Play / download on itch.io [https://georgebroussard.itch.io/the-seeker] (Browser, Windows, Mac) [Via @georgebsocial [https://twitter.com/georgebsocial/status/1252416745224024065]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ludum dare 34
> "On an alien planet you must fight the dragon that grows ever nearer." - Author's description [http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-34/?action=preview&uid=8631] Play it here [http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-34/?action=preview&uid=8631] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Alone in the ocean. How long will you last?" - Author's description [http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-29/?action=preview&uid=8631] Why play it? The subtle wave mechanics, the stressful theme and the strategy involved make this one of the most intriguing one-button