tummy bonbons: the sweet monster
Tummy Bonbons: The Sweet Monster (PUNKCAKE Délicieux)
Eat candy. Get spookier. Scare children. Choose new bellies based on their upgrades. Eat more candy! Eat as much as you can!!
tummy bonbons: the sweet monster
Eat candy. Get spookier. Scare children. Choose new bellies based on their upgrades. Eat more candy! Eat as much as you can!!
with && 共在
Be with, not alone.
no green
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> "Ghostly Fruit is an endless runner where you play as a pig-unicorn-man trying to eat as much fruit as unicornly possible." - Author's description [https://elastiskalinjen.itch.io/ghostly-fruit] Download on itch.io [https://elastiskalinjen.itch.io/ghostly-fruit] (Windows, Mac, Linux, Browser)
> "Does this road symbolize real life in the sense that there's no turning back? And how does pineapple juice fit into all this? Maybe I should just shut up, Buck Up And Drive!" - Author's description [https://fabiofontes.itch.io/buck-up-and-drive] Purchase on
Nolen Tabner
> "Control a fuzzy 8-legged hero as they journey across the desert. Watch out for dangerous creatures and traps along the way!" - Author's description [http://www.awfuljams.com/awful-summer-jam-2017/games/bootlegs] Play here [http://www.nolentabner.com/projects/bootlegs/] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Indiana Kuffer
> "You've had a l o n g d a y and need to get home, but don't fall asleep and miss your stop!" - Author's description Download on itch.io [https://indianakuffer.itch.io/zzz-train] (Windows, Mac) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> "Drive through an endless(?) desert. Follow the stars to a glowing portal to the next level." - Author's description [https://hellojed.itch.io/785] Download on itch.io [https://hellojed.itch.io/785] (Windows, Mac) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Whenever I learn something, it stays good and learned. Never ever ever does an issue from my past (which I have already "gotten over") come back to bite my present." - Author's description [https://sampotasz.itch.io/learn-your-lesson] Play on itch.io [https:
> "Endless is a 2D side scrolling action platformer that takes place in a supernatural cyberpunk world. A mysterious man, split into human and spirit forms, wields his sword to fight enemies trying to rescue his daughter." - Author's description [http://renangaluppo.itch.io/endless] Download