elevator Elevator Orator (Lucas Le Slo) > "Create meaningless conversation as you ascend." - Author's description [https://le-slo.itch.io/elevator-orator] Play on itch.io [https://le-slo.itch.io/elevator-orator] (Browser) [Via @LeSloDev [https://twitter.com/LeSloDev/status/1252389029032554499]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
browser To The Hell (listege, SingleCore Games) > "ordinary people fighting against demons to save the world." - Author's description [https://listege.itch.io/to-the-hell] Play on itch.io [https://listege.itch.io/to-the-hell] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the everything building The Everything Building (Kepab) > "We are delighted to welcome you to the team as our newest elevator operator. You will be expected to serve the vertical mobility needs of some very busy and important people (and animals)" - Author's description [http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-34/?action=preview&uid=
commercial Lift Of Dreams (Amy Rot) > " It is set on the lift of dreams, which goes between floors picking up strange, unusual workers. What is the lift? Where is the lift? Where is it going? Is it going anywhere? The game does not set out to answer these questions." - Author's
browser I MOVE THE PEOPLE (Conrad Hughes) > "A game about elevator algorithms, drugs & rocketships." - Author's description [http://imovethepeople.arc.pm/imovethepeople.html] Play here [http://imovethepeople.arc.pm/imovethepeople.html] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------