cursor drifter
Cursor Drifter (Semyon Kotelnikov)
A casual racing game where a car follows your cursor. Compete in a time trial format to earn gold stars!
cursor drifter
A casual racing game where a car follows your cursor. Compete in a time trial format to earn gold stars!
crossing lines
As you attempt the long and intimidating journey, the story of the sisters and their bond unfolds.
"Steel Racer is a 2D pixelated old school racing game, inspired by classics from the 80s and 90s era, featuring great chiptune music, arcade gameplay style and high speed cars!" - Author's description Purchase on itch.io (Windows)
> "A short game about dealing with yourself... in traffic." - Author's description [https://soerbgames.itch.io/driving-me-crazy] Play / download on itch.io [https://soerbgames.itch.io/driving-me-crazy] (Browser, Windows) Gameplay video on YouTube [https://youtu.be/ew9a95dMrsE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
byte driver
> "In 1979 more quarters were dropped in the coin boxes of Byte Driver than all of that year’s other machines put together." - Author's description [https://vectorhat.itch.io/byte-driver] Download on itch.io [https://vectorhat.itch.io/byte-driver] (Windows, Mac, Linux) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Drive Me To The Moon is a tiny open world driving game 🌠 cruise around town blissfully aimless with your lover" - Author's description [https://livvy.itch.io/drive] Download on itch.io [https://livvy.itch.io/drive] (Windows, Mac, Linux) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "(STEERING: ARROW KEYS)" - Author's description [https://games.increpare.com/AUTOMOBILELEKTRODEFEKT/] Play here [https://games.increpare.com/AUTOMOBILELEKTRODEFEKT/] (Browser) [Via @increpare [https://twitter.com/increpare/status/1123991893107462144]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ian maclarty
> "There's no audio, so put on your favourite road trip music while you play." - Author's description [https://ianmaclarty.itch.io/road] Download on itch.io [https://ianmaclarty.itch.io/road] (Windows, Mac, Linux) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
night drive
> "Night Drive is a short contemplative work of interactive poetry." - Author's description [https://flankstaek.itch.io/night-drive] Purchase for $1 on itch.io [https://flankstaek.itch.io/night-drive] (Windows, Mac) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
howard phillips lovecar
> "This is the night! All cultists gather on a nearby desert to open the gates for The Great Old Ones. Don't let them!" - Author's description [https://kurki-collective.itch.io/hpl] Download on itch.io [https://kurki-collective.itch.io/hpl] (Windows, Mac, Linux)
night drive
> "This is a short piece about how I dealt with the end of a relationship." - Author's description [https://xamaxific.itch.io/night-drive] Play on itch.io [https://xamaxific.itch.io/night-drive] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "a game about long way home" - Author's description [https://onebraverobot.itch.io/slowdrive-demo] Download demo on itch.io [https://onebraverobot.itch.io/slowdrive-demo] (Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------