voir dire
Voir Dire (Daniel Mullins)
Due to his unique ability to win cases by packing the jury, he was known as Peter the Packer.
voir dire
Due to his unique ability to win cases by packing the jury, he was known as Peter the Packer.
sacrifices must be made
You find yourself in a dimly lit log cabin in the middle of the woods. You are starving to death. The stranger who resides there tells you that he will feed you if you defeat him in a game of cards. Sacrifices Must Be Made is a game created for Ludum Dare 43.
daniel mullins
> "You find yourself impaled by a spear through the back of the head. The only thing that could make it worse? You must relive this moment on loop, over and over, for the rest of time. Unless...?" - Author's description [https://dmullinsgames.itch.io/bloop]
daniel mullins
> "Keep that furnace alive as well; slowing down in these parts is perilous." - Author's description [https://dmullinsgames.itch.io/keep-it-alive] Download on itch.io [https://dmullinsgames.itch.io/keep-it-alive] (Windows) [Via @DMullinsGames [https://twitter.com/DMullinsGames/status/1252045541967450114]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
daniel mullins
> "In an ageless temple at the corner of the earth, a primordial Ooze sits waiting..." - Author's description [https://danman9914.itch.io/the-ooze] Download on itch.io [https://danman9914.itch.io/the-ooze] (Windows, Mac, Linux) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pony island
> "Pony Island is a suspense puzzle game in disguise. " - Author's description [http://store.steampowered.com/app/405640] Purchase on Steam [http://store.steampowered.com/app/405640/] (Windows, Mac) Purchase on Humble Bundle Store [https://www.humblebundle.com/store/p/ponyisland_storefront] (Windows, Mac) Watch