papercup PAPERCUP (Polyperi) An interactive visual novel about a girl suffering from neurological tinnitus.
pager PAGER (Demo) (bilge) PAGER is a 1-bit 3D Kafkaesque horror game set in a 90s office building. It’s your first day at work, and to succeed, you must follow the pager’s instructions carefully.
paid Necrocrisis ( "NECROCRISIS is an on-rails fight for your life through a graveyard full of unimaginable horrors. Crank up your state-of-the-art gatling gun and blast through undead hordes to save the world from zombification." - Author's description Download on Playdate (Playdate)
free Celeste Classic (hteumeuleu) "Celeste Classic on Playdate was made to be as faithful as possible to the original game on PICO-8. But here are a few notable changes." - Author's description Download on Playdate (Playdate)
one the legend of 1000 ONE — The Legend of 1000 (Riccardo Cantoon) ONE - The Legend of 1000 is a platform game where you play as ONE, a number whose power got stolen and is then held captive by King Minus.
paid Bit-Arcana - Major (Allison Vansickle) "Large HQ art of my tarot deck, the Bit Arcana. This is the set of Major Arcana cards." - Author's description Purchase on (Browser)
free Postie (invertedHat) "Postie is a Celeste inspired platformer for the GameBoy (Color) made in seven days for the Game Boy Showdown 2022." - Author's description Play/Download on (Browser, Gameboy)
free Hole Digging Game (Loren Schmidt) "to dig a hole: press space to not dig a hole: do not press space to rest: do nothing for a time to sleep: rest for a time to die: do something, or nothing, for 0-85 years" - Author's description Play/Download on (Windows,
paid TinyFolks (Pierre Vandermaesen) "Train your folks, upgrade your town and battle monsters in this minimalist retro-looking strategy RPG!" - Author's description Purchase on (Windows, Mac, Linux, Browser) Purchase on Steam (Windows, Mac, Linux)
paid Bloom (RNG Party Games) > "Tend to Midori's garden while texting friends and family as she starts a new chapter of her life. The game takes place over many real-life days." - Author's description [] Purchase on []
clockwork kingdom Clockwork Kingdom (JAMIE ROWAN) You are a clockwork toy who has gained consciousness, you must break free from the prison of the toy factory by uncovering various items, abilities & secrets in this 1-bit mini dungeon-crawler.
free Virtual Trader (Polyducks) > "Navigate around the free-roam loop of VR and trade with the people you meet. Complete the cycle and return to reality!" - Author's description [] Download on [] (Gameboy)
free Kingdom Hingdom Thingdom (Meloonics) > "Explore 5 exciting levels, find the fastest route, grab all coins, slay all enemies and master the game! Can you S+ every level?" - Author's description [] Play here [] (Browser)
paid Rogue Sentry (Mapledev) > "Rogue Sentry is a difficult twin-stick adventure shoot-em-up about a sentry droid who turns rogue to save humanity." - Author's description [] Purchase on [] (Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
critters for sale: snake Critters for Sale: SNAKE (Sonoshee) > "A club with ties to aliens, secret societies, alternate timelines, and a doomsday machine. What transpires in it is a mind-bending interaction with astral beings known as the Paradise Architects, and their arch-enemy the Noid Men." - Author's description [] Download
windows Hills & Hollows (OverHook Games) > "Hills & Hollows is a 1bit adventure horror game inspired by midwestern folklore. Use the power of tarot cards to twist your fate." - Author's description [] Download on [] (Windows) Full playthrough on YouTube
paint Strike (Amorphous) > "Strike is a web-based, 1-bit paint tool, primarily for quick sketching or line-drawing." - Author's description [] Play on [] (Browser) [Via @_morphous []] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CO5MONAUT Death Crown (CO5MONAUT) > "a minimalist real time strategy in 1bit style, where you will be Death itself, commanding her legions of death, and punishing the human's Kingdom for their self-confidence." - Author's description [] Download demo on [https://co5monaut.itch.
city clickers City Clickers (Eigen Lenk) > "The Quintessential SimCity Clone But Not Really" - Author's description [] Download on [] (Windows, Mac) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pixel-boy Fairy Song (Pixel-boy) > "You take part in a mysterious world, and you play a kind of fairy, I think ?" - Author's description [] Download on [] (Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShadeJackrabbit Unbeknownst (ShadeJackrabbit, ThePyranda, Isaac S. Johnson) > "Unbeknownst is a 1-bit (black and white, monochrome, noir) game set in the recent past, about investigating endless leads and unrelated clues that spiral down an eldritch rabbit hole." - Author's description [] Play / download on [https://shadejackrabbit.itch.
moonwitch garden Moonwitch Garden (Dan Emmerson, Paws Menu) > "Help gather lunar light by growing a nocturnal garden" - Author's description [] Play on [] (Browser) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
City.Scape() City.Scape() (A. Durakin) > "City.Scape() is a game where you create a small city-scape from a set of 'buildings' available to you and a few good clicks of the mouse." - Author's description [] Download on [